Posts Tagged ‘Hagezussa’

The Hobnox Evolution Festival

March 3, 2008

Vodpod videos no longer available. from posted with vodpod

The Hobnox Evolution Festival is over!

March 3, 2008

I hope the little trailer that I posted above can give you a glimpse of the greatest launch party any start-up ever had. If I’d tell you what the budget was you’d want to have us organize all of your parties. Don’t ask anyone about band catering. I think the budget was about € 250 for snacks and drinks for three bands (one of them consisting of 20 people). At least Ministry Of Sound newcomer Calvin Harris had his personal bottle of Jim Beam which I’m sure he didn’t finish, coz an acquaintance of mine found it and finished it off. Cheers!

This dude who’s having his bow tie chewed on (I love the sexual connotation in this pic) was the best dressed man of the night. No-one else showed up in a tuxedo.

This fine young lady deejayed in the VIP. She mixed classic country with David Lynch soundtracks and Polka. The VIPs loved it. By the way, those same VIPs drank their whole free beer budget by 10 pm (doors opened at 8 pm).

These two gents were a big part of the free booze killing squad. Jury members Tyron Ricketts (Word Cup, Soko Leipzig) and JayBo aka Monk (Irie Daily, Style 100).


Notic Nastic were one of three finalists in the category “music”. They didn’t win but definitely had an interesting visual concept.

I told you the place was packed. Around 2000 people showed up at the Tresor which led to the uncomfortable situation that some of the VIPs had to stand in line outside of Tresor because a traffic jam clogged up the staircase from the entrance all the way up to the VIP-lounge.


Time to go home, oh sweet child of the tattooed appearance.

You’ll be able to watch all the finalists of the Hobnox Evolution on in a couple of days.
Just browse by every day to be safe.
Music: Notic Nastic, Boombaker (winner) and Opus 1
Film: Hagezussa, Farm Connection and Philantrop (winner)
Urban Culture: Missy Magazine (winner), Tofa, ArtRMX Cologne